Mounted Unit / Reserve Unit


Posse-Photo-2022-WebThe members of the Posse assist the Calhoun County Sheriff's Office at special functions such as the County Fair, Battle Creek's balloon festival and also in emergency situations.

The Calhoun County Mounted Division is highly trained and serves the same purpose as any regular deputy, except on horseback. They are used for all types of events, such as patrolling the Calhoun County Fair, attending as many holiday parades as they are invited to, participating in certain schooling events, and joining the Michigan Sheriff’s Mounted Association, which also holds many events throughout the year.

The "Posse"  strives to serve the community and is dedicated to the job. Mounted Division members, other than division's liason, are volunteer members who dedicate every ounce of their free time to this program. The main purpose is for serving our community, crowd control, and deputy presence. 

For more information contact Jeff Adams at



The RESERVE members assist the Calhoun County Sheriff's Office as a second officer in a patrol unit during weekends as well as special assignments like the County Fair and Balloon festival.

Anyone having information or wishing to speak with a Deputy regarding Mounted Division or Reserve Deputy activities, please call (269) 781-0880.