Text/Email Reminder Service

Sign Up For Text or Email Reminders

By submitting this form, I authorize the 10th District Court to notify me of upcoming events at the court.

I understand, based on the option chosen below that I will receive a Text Notification and/or Email Reminder to the phone number and/or email address listed on this form. I also understand that the 10th District Court is not responsible for any additional fees or charges due to your phone carrier data rates. In the event that my cell phone number changes, I will notify the court to update their records, and if I fail to do so will result in the termination of this service from the court.  

Privacy Disclaimer: This notification program is provided as a service to give defendants important Court information in a timely manner. Your information will not be sold, distributed, or shared with any other entity. You can OPT-OUT of the system at any time. Simply reply: OPTOUT or STOP to any received message.


Date of Birth:



Case Number: